Fire Equipment

Fire Extinguishers – Your First Line of Defence

A potential fire can often be controlled before it really takes hold, if the right fire equipment is close at hand. ESA Fire has experienced technicians that can advise you on which extinguisher best suits your risk and to ensure your business is compliant.

ESA Fire can provide a fire safety risk assessment for your site and advise you on the placement and types of fire extinguishers that are required to meet relevant legislation, OH&S requirements and Australian Standards.

Our range of Fire Extinguishers come in varies Types and Sizes:

• Water Fire extinguishers (Class A Fires)
• Foam Extinguishers (Class A or B Fires)
• Dry Chemical Extinguishers (Class E and C Fires)
• Wet Chemical Extinguishers (Class F and A Fires)
• Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers (Class B and E Fires)
• Mobile Extinguishers (For large requirements)Fire
• Cartridge operated Extinguishers (For Marine requirements)
• All Fire extinguishers we sell are Australian Standards Approved AS 1841.6

Fire Blankets

Fire Blankets are available to provide protection against Class A and Class B type fires as well as fires involving cooking oils and fats (Class F). They should be in a readily available position.

A Fire Blanket is designed to cut off a fire’s supply of oxygen, smothering it either permanently or until more effective fire-fighting equipment can be employed, and are used to protect people from radiant heat.

Fire blankets are a one-use application. When a fire blanket is used, please ensure that you discard the used blanket and replace it with a new one.  There are several sizes available for commercial and domestic applications all manufactured to comply with AS/NZS 3504.

Hose Reels

Fire hose reels are located to provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water to combat a fire.

The length of a fully extended fire hose is normally between 30 and 36 meters. These appliances are designed to deliver a minimum of 0.33 litres of water per second.

A control nozzle attached to the end of the hose enables the operator to control the direction and flow of water to the fire.

ESA Fire also supply Fire Hose Reel Cabinets and Covers.

Lay Flat Hoses

ESA fire can supply Lay flat Fire Hose to fit your requirements.

We have a variety of Types, Sizes, Couplings, Foam Branches and Nozzles to suit any application.

Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants are installed on properties to enable the fire brigade to commence an initial attack to limit the spread of fire, protect adjacent property and extinguish the fire. Properly trained personnel can also utilise these installations to extinguish fires at various locations on site. 

Regular maintenance and testing of fire hydrants, booster connections and associated pump sets is imperative to ensure compliance with legislation and Australian Standards AS 1851 and AS 2419

Mother explaining fire to her son
Fire House reel
Red fire hose reels
Installation of fire safety

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