Fan Integrity Testing

Fan Enclosure Integrity Test

Fan Enclosure Integrity Test is a mandatory commissioning function for any gaseous extinguishing system that complies with ISO 14520, NFPA 2001, EN 15004 along with the recording of the extinguishing systems baseline data for future testing and maintenance records.


ESA Fire have multiple certified technicians located in Central Queensland  who can review the system installation, the suitability of the enclosure to maintain the extinguishing agent, requirements for pressure relief venting and that the system will maintain the extinguishing agent for the specified hold time. A gaseous extinguishing system is typically designed to extinguish a fire after initial discharge and with a well-sealed enclosure will maintain an extinguishing concentration for a minimum duration to prevent reflash of the fire. This allows time for fire services, site emergency response personnel, and safety officers to prepare and evaluate the fire situation and take control of the fire emergency after the fire extinguishing system has done its job.


As part of the ongoing maintenance requirements for gaseous fire suppression systems, AS 1851-2012 requires a room integrity door fan test be performed every twelve (12) months as part of the annual servicing of the system, with the test results recorded and measured against the original system design and baseline data provided at the time of installation.

ESA Fire's Room Integrity Testing

Our Room Integrity Testing calculates the leak tightness of a room. It predicts how long the extinguishing agent will remain at the correct concentration to effectively suppress the fire. Testing is quick and unintrusive. Room Integrity Testing can be organised at a time that will not disrupt your normal operations. It is an essential, yet simple, component of your fire protection regime.

Want to know more about our Fan Integrity Testing?

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