Fire Sprinkler Systems

Automatic fire sprinkler systems also known as a wet and dry pipe systems are widely regarded as the most effective method of controlling fires caused by a broad range of hazards. ESA Fire offers specialised fire sprinkler systems to protect your people, business and assets.

Sprinkler systems can automatically detect a fire, transmit an alarm and control the fire. This can be the difference between a minor accident and a major business shutdown.  From specialised industrial warehouses and storage facilities through to residential buildings, high rise commercial towers, shopping centres, hospitals, hotels, libraries and more, ESA Fire has got you covered.

Fire Sprinkler Systems

The main goal of fire sprinkler systems is to extinguish and suppress fire in case of an emergency. Fire sprinkler systems are categorised as follows: 

Wet fire sprinkler systems:

These are the most popular fire sprinkler systems, designed for office buildings, retail establishments & climate controlled warehouses; as these systems maintain water constantly in the sprinkler piping

Dry fire sprinkler systems:

These fire sprinkler systems are especially designed for colder environments, to avoid water from freezing in the sprinkler piping, as water is not kept in the piping in this system, until it is activated. This is ideal for building without heating systems, parking garages and loading docks. 

Pre-action fire sprinkler systems:

This system is used in situations where an accidental activation of the system would lead to an unacceptable outcome, as the inclusions of the premises could be of very high value or irreplaceable nature, making it an ideal fire sprinkler system for museums, data centres and libraries. It combines all other fire sprinkler system (wet, dry & deluge) by employing a double interlock system which requires the activation of both: a fire detector and also a sprinkler at the same time, in order for water to be dispersed. Unless activated, this system functions the same way as a dry system (filled with air). Upon activation of a fire detector, this system turns into a wet fire sprinkler in function, through a pre-action valve that opens to allow water flow into the piping. When a closed sprinkler is activated at the same time, it allows the water to be dispersed

Fire Sprinklers Service and Maintenance

These Systems require a minimum Inspection and Test regime as per Australian Standard AS1851 and AS2118 of the following frequencies:


– Monthly

– Six Monthly

– Annual

– Five Yearly

– Ten Yearly

– Twenty-Five and Thirty Yearly

Want to know more about Sprinkler Systems?

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